10 Beginner Yoga Poses for Plus Size Women

10 Beginner Yoga Poses for Plus Size Women

Women with extra pounds tend to believe that the journey to their slimmer self is quite impossible. This is so because their body has already become stringent and the extra weight has made exercise too difficult for them to carry out.

This seems a frightening thought for them that they can’t shed the weight. Well, nothing is impossible and yoga gives a ray of hope for plus size women.

If you can breathe, you can do yoga.

Several yoga poses can benefit a beginner. These will help you in gaining a little more confidence and making your body quite flexible. You’ll start feeling energetic and as light as a feather.

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looking for easy yoga poses for plus size women? Check out these 10 beginner friendly yoga poss for bigger bodies via thenaturalside.com #yogaposes #plussize #yoga

10 Beginner Yoga Poses for Plus Size Women

These beginner’s poses make your body ready for next-level challenging postures. The more you get comfortable with these poses the more you’ll become positive about your progress in weight.

So are you ready to try this beginner-friendly yoga poses for plus size women?

Surely, it is going to help you!

1. Bending forward:

The best way to kick off your yoga routine as it warms up your body.

  • Stand up straight and start to bend your body forward from your hips.
  • Try to reach the ground with your hands.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • If you cannot touch the ground you can simply rely on a yoga block.
  • This pose stretches your hamstrings and makes you more flexible.

2. Cow pose (Gomukhasana):

This pose is easy to do as all you have to do is support your whole body weight on your knees and hands.

  • Your hands should be right below your shoulders. Knees hip-width apart.
  • Start inhaling deeply; hold your stomach inwards as a rope is tightening it and hunch your back.
  • It impacts on your abdominal area.

3. Cat pose (Marjariasana):

  • Start as you did in the above pose.
  • Exhale now; curve your back inwards as much as you can.
  • This is pose is going to put an exertion your back.
  • Mindfully engage yourself in these poses and try to feel the stretches.

4. Downward facing dog (Adho mukha svanasana):

  • You need to shift your weight from knees to your feet and hands.
  • Keep your feet and hands hip-width apart.
  • You may hang your head and then try to look up; it will stretch your neck muscles.
  • Breathe in through your nose and out through the mouth.
  • This pose helps in back pain-relieving.

5. Cobra pose (Bhujangasana) :

  • This one is great for back and shoulders stretching.
  • You need to lie down on your stomach.
  • Stretch out your legs.
  • With your hands on the ground, gently raise your upper body.
  • Your hips and legs should remain on the ground.
  • Inhale while lifting and exhale while going down.

6. Half lord of the fishes (Ardha Matsyendrāsana):

  • Sit with crossed legs and straight back.
  • Start pulling your right leg towards your chest.
  • You can press your knee with the help of your left arm to feel the stretch better.
  • Twist your body a little toward the right side.
  • Shift the sides and repeat them.
  • This helps in improving the posture and decompressing the spine.

7. Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Bend your knees until your shin is perpendicular to the floor.
  • Start lifting your hips by engaging your core muscles.
  • You should not put stress on your arms.
  • This will strengthen your core area and hips.

8. Head-to-knee forward bend (Janusirsasana):

  • Sit while stretching out your legs in front of you.
  • Now, bend your right leg and pull the right foot towards the inner thigh of the left leg.
  • If you feel uncomfortable you better need to put some support beneath your right leg.
  • Straighten your back and try to touch the left foot with the right hand or a yoga strap.
  • Repeat it on the other side too.
  • It engages your back, abdominal and thigh areas.

9. Tree pose (Vriksasana):

  • Try a little challenging position.
  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Stretch your arms up and put your palms together.
  • Lift and bend your left leg and try to bring it close to your inner right thigh.
  • Repeat with another leg too.
  • It helps you maintain stability.

10. Corpse pose (Shavasana):

  • This is the easiest yet difficult pose.
  • All you have to do is lie down on your back and stretch your arms and feet out.
  • Try to relax your tensed and locked muscles.
  • Breathe deeply and calm your inner self.

Remember not to stress yourself if you find any pose unmanageable, you can simply try another one!

20 Minute Yoga Workout: Powerful Yoga to Lose Weight in 10 Days

20 Minute Yoga Workout: Powerful Yoga to Lose Weight in 10 Days

If you’re trying to lose weight… yoga may help! In this post, we bring, 20-minute powerful yoga to lose weight in 10 days with 10 easy yoga poses to help you lose belly fat fast.

Do you think that yoga is something to be done for internal peace and it is a practice to be carried out by monks only?

You may need to rethink your postulate as not only yoga improves your mental health but also helps in weight loss. Yoga helps you to burn fat effectively and tones up your muscles.

It seems quite unbelievable that someone can shed extra pounds by merely standing in some awkward looking poses.

Well, the postures you take exert pressure on muscles. You need a sufficient amount of energy in maintaining the balance and staying in a posture for a few minutes and that energy comes from breaking down of fat deposits.

Although you might think it is a child’s play to stand a certain position for a while it is simply not that easy! Initially, your body is inflexible and needs a lot of exertion to hold the posture.

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10 Yoga Poses to help you lose weight fast. 20 Minute fat burning Yoga workout to to get skinny belly. Fitness Tips via thenatualside.com #yoga #fitness #weightloss #skinny

20 Minute Powerful Yoga to Lose Weight in 10 days

Several yoga practices help in weight reduction but here are 10 of them well suited to everyone. All you need is to devote 20 minutes to yoga every day.

So whether you looking for healthier ways to maintain body weight or struggling to lose weight, these 10 beginner-friendly yoga poses will help you get in shape fast.

So without further ado, let’s get started 20 Minute Powerful Yoga to Lose Weight in 10 days.

1. Plank:

• Lay down on your belly.
• Start lifting your body on the support of your hands and toes.
• Straighten your back; it will strengthen your core.
• You’ll feel exertion on your abs.

Read more: Yoga for Beginners: 15 Minute Home Yoga Workout to Get Started

2. Warrior (Virabhadrasana B):

• Anchor your left foot horizontally to the ground, pointing it in the left direction.
• Exhale and extend your right foot ahead by keeping your right shin perpendicular to the floor.
• Stretch your arms, right arm in the forward direction and left arm towards back.
• It will tone your thigh and shoulders muscles.

Read more: 9 Easy Yoga Stretches for Neck and Shoulder Pain

3. Triangle (Trikonasana):

• Just keep your legs in the upper mentioned pose.
• Now bend your upper body forward a little and rotate it towards the left direction.
• Raise your left arm straight upwards and reach out for your right foot with your right arm.
• The body twist will help in better digestion and belly fat burning as well as tone up your legs and arms muscles.

4. Half boat ( ArdhaNavasana):

• Sit on the floor while stretching your legs straight ahead of you.
• Start lifting your legs upward.
• By keeping the balance with your hands on the ground, maintain this pose.
• Now lift your arms and make sure they are parallel to the ground.
• This position will help boost up metabolism.

Read more: Improve Posture with these 6 Yoga Inspired Spine Straightening Exercises

5. Side plank (Vasisthasana):

• Lie down on one side and start lifting your body until your whole weight rests on your one foot and one hand.
• The other foot is placed over the first one and stretches the other arm towards the sky.
• Straighten the whole body.
• Shift the side and stay for another few seconds.
• Plank position works on the whole body.

6. Chair pose (Utkatasana):

• This one is somehow easy to do but put a lot of stress on your legs. You can feel it!
• Stand straight at feet hip-width apart and lift your arms over your head.
• Now bend your legs as your thighs come parallel to the ground and sit in the air!

Read more: Yoga for Back Pain: 10 Minute Physical Exercise for Lower Back Pain

7. Downward dog (AdhoMukhaSvanasana):

• Stand up straight, placing your feet 3-4 feet apart.
• Bend your upper body and touch the ground with your hands.
• Extend your arms on the ground in such a way that your body comes in inverted V form.
• Firmly place your feet and hands on the ground.
• This will strengthen your arms, thighs, and back.

Read more: Practice These 7 Yoga Poses for Stress Relief and Anxiety

8. Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana):

• This is one of the most challenging poses.
• Lie down on your back and start lifting your legs upward slowly.
• To support your body put your hand under your back.
• Keep straightening your legs upward until your chest comes in contact with your chin.
• This inversion boosts metabolism, balances your thyroid levels and strengthens the upper body, legs, and abs.
• Do practice it daily for a much better effect on your overall health.

9. Tree pose (Vrikshasana):

• Stand up firmly on the ground.
• Then raise your one foot from the floor and place it onto the thigh of the other leg.
• Raise your arms over your head while joining the palms.
• Works on your leg muscles.

10. Bridge (Situ Bandha Sarvangasana):

• Lie down on your back.
• Bend your legs and pull your feet back until they reach close to your hips.
• Now, raise your hips as much as you can and place your arms straight on the floor.
• This is great for weight loss.

You can simply stay in any position for as long as you feel comfortable. Plus, breathe deeply!

19 Ways to Reduce Plastic from Your Home and Save Money

19 Ways to Reduce Plastic from Your Home and Save Money

It’s a saddening fact that our very own beautiful home, the earth, is getting polluted with every passing day and plastic takes a prominent place in these toxic materials that are playing havoc to the environment in general.

It’s high time we give a thought about minimizing the use of this synthetic product.

You’d find it hard to believe that not only does earth get polluted by this non-degradable material but also we consume it in several ways and surprisingly according to a study even through seafood.

Well, the amount and frequency with which it has incorporated in our lives will take time to completely substitute its use but at least we can and should try to reduce it gradually to live and pass on to our next generation a green life.

Read more: 11 Incredible Benefits to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

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19 Easy Swaps for Plastic Free Living

You must know that the benefit of less plastic is not just confined to a clean and green environment but also it has a monetary factor.

Yes, you read it right as by switching to reusable alternatives you won’t need to spend your hard-earned money on plastic things every time.

Here you can consider these 19 simple ways to replace plastic products with better options.

1. Say no to plastic water bottles:

Reduce the use of plastic bottles; you can drink from your faucet, your Berkey system.

For taking your water with you, stainless steel bottles are reliable. These are insulated and keep your water cold or warm.

2. Time to try different straws:

It’s time to stop using plastic straws; you can easily find stainless straws that can be reused over and over.

3. Green shopping bags:

Consider shifting from plastic to reusable material such as burlap, canvass, and paper.

You can add a customized unique touch to these shopping bags by paining or colorful stitching on them to look trendier.

4. Bulk quantities:

Forget the plastic containers for cereals, rice, pasta, etc. buy them in bulk and store in large stainless steel.

5. Rely on home-made products:

Why not give it a try?

Eat home-made, fresh and healthy food and grow your veggies, make your bread, kinds of ketchup, mayonnaise, yogurt, etc.

Stay away from unnecessary packaging!

6. A creative sustainable idea:

Synthetic cling wraps are easily available at your kitchen counter.

Try making your cling wraps by using natural materials and there you go with reusable cling wraps.

Wash them and use them repeatedly. You can find some good recipes on the web.

7. Avoid buying frozen food:

Eat fresh food instead and eliminate the useless containers to pile up and you will be saving some extra spent money on processed food.

8. Meat wraps:

Say no to plastic wraps for your meat and have them wrapped in paper, cheesecloth or these reusable beeswax wraps.

9. Take-out food:

Be mindful while ordering at a restaurant and try not to have too much yet if it happens unintentionally.

Consider bringing your container for take-out or use restaurant doggy-bag.

10. Give up chewing gum:

A cringe-worthy fact that chewing gum is made of a synthetic material means plastic. You will never want to have another again!

11. Boxes instead of bottles:

Buy your detergents and cleaning products in boxes that are degradable.

12. Plasticware at home:

Reduce the use of plastic utensils at home and use glasswares, silicone or stainless steel crockery.

13. Cooking utensils:

You should bid a good-bye to non-stick pans and switch to cast-iron and stainless steel.

14. Don’t buy soda cans:

Use a disposable cup or bottle for beverages even if you’re buying from a to-go shop.

15. Do it yourself laundry soap:

Do you know you can have a better washing soap on your own?

Something as vinegar and baking soda mixture with few other ingredients. That is less toxic and reduces the need for bottles.

16. Toothbrushes and hairbrush:

You must be using plastic ones; you can weigh on degradable bamboo made long-lasting brushes. You can try this set of bamboo makeup brushes.

17. Razors:

Have a razor with replaceable blades instead of a disposable plastic razor.

18. Pet bowls:

Your pet too doesn’t have to be fed in plastic bowls, use stainless steel instead to also avoid the breakage.

19. Lit a match stick:

It’s better to use matches in place of plastic disposable lighter or you should also consider refillable metal lighter.

11 Incredible Benefits to Live a Sustainable & Minimalism Lifestyle

11 Incredible Benefits to Live a Sustainable & Minimalism Lifestyle

We, human beings, have always been scrambling to optimize our lives to the maximum.

The urge from better to the best has made us obsessed to accumulate things without giving a second thought whether they are necessary or not but just to keep up with the bandwagon.

We cherish the idea of big houses and filling every nook of it with most probably useless stuff.

Have you ever been in such situation when you like a piece of furniture, a rug, an ornament or talking about your personal beauty products like a fine piece of jewelry, a dress, a pair of shoes or make-up item and you clearly have no idea what you’d be exactly doing with it yet you own it?

Well, you must know the truth that you’re having a materialistic life rather than a sustainable lifestyle.

As things can never bring the happiness you buy one and then you like another, the process never ends. Unknowingly, it is taking the best out of you and making you unconscious about you and your surroundings.

A sustainable life can be named as a greener lifestyle with a touch of minimalism incorporated in it.

This lifestyle lets you reduce the negative impact on the environment by you and introduce you to the philosophy of…

less is more

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Benefits to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

You must know what you gain from living a minimalist sustainable life. Here you get a list of 11 out of many benefits.

1. You feel like walking on air:

Once you start de-cluttering your space, you’ll feel a river of happiness flowing inside you.

Having fewer things around gives you ample time to contemplate your own self; you learn your core values and feel elevated.

Read more: 21 Inspiring Self Esteem Quotes to Lift Up Your Spirits

2. You get time for better actions:

In the process of getting away from useless things and activities, you get more time to spend on healthy activities such as inspiring someone by initiating a work that promotes others’ well-being.

Read more: 151 Healthy Habits That Will Transform Your Life

3. Confidence booster:

Sustainable life instills a feeling of boldness in you by making you believe in yourself. The first step in the right direction makes you unstoppable for the series of next bold moves.

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4. Investigating the answers:

As you have distant yourself from the problems and perils of things and possessions you now become more inquisitive of your surroundings mainly nature.

You become mindful of it and look for solutions that can have a positive impact overall.

Read more: 15 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness Into Your Daily Life

5. Fewer burdens on your pocket:

You will be amazed for sure to observe how less you’re straining your pocket and saving a handsome amount.

Being a minimalist you now spend less on things and having a sustainable life you get eco-friendly products that will save more money in the long-run.

6. Easy on you to clean:

A onetime big cleaning simply takes you in a situation where you no longer need to spend hours and hours in tidying the mess.

It will be simpler and easier to clean than ever!

7. You’ll be counting real blessings:

By paying heed to the call of society, it makes us indulged in the habit of comparison with others.

Once you’re done with that by shunning the ‘get every latest thing’ mantra, you’ll be grateful for the simple things in life and will be satisfied at all the blessings.

8. A sense of freedom:

You become free from the burden of unwanted and useless stuff that weighs you down, emotionally and financially. This feeling of freedom lets you balance and maintain your life with ease.

9. Good-bye to stress:

Now, you don’t have to be overwhelmed with all the stress that was caused by racked up things. A sigh of relief to see cluttered shelves, closets, cabinet and the whole house.

10. Cleansing you:

Talking about sustainable life, it surely takes you away from a toxic lifestyle. By relying more on eco-friendly food, furniture, clothing, etc you are living a healthy life.

11. A focused attitude:

With less and less stuff and material in life, you’ll become more and more aware of your personal existence and your purpose of life without worrying about unnecessary things.

And that’s the best thing you can get from a minimalist sustainable lifestyle!

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12 Simple Bedtime Habits worth Adopting for a Healthy Lifestyle

12 Simple Bedtime Habits worth Adopting for a Healthy Lifestyle

If you have to drag yourself out of your bed in the morning and keep feeling drowsiness the whole day, it simply means you’re not having enough sleep to stay active and awake.

Sleep makes the third important pillar apart from a balanced diet and exercise in a healthy lifestyle. You must be thoughtful about your healthy sleep pattern to ensure the best day ahead.

Acute or chronic sleeplessness causes you fatigue, anxiety, impatience, irritability, low concentration the next day that will surely affect your overall mood and happenings of the day. Bad sleep can even lead to depression or even worse insomnia.

Read more: 69 Better Sleep Tips To Help You Sleep Like A Baby

An important point to bear in mind is that sleep disorder mostly affects women more than men. That’s why it becomes imperative for you to get ample and sound sleep to keep working through your day with an ace.

And for that, you must watch your bedtime routine whether they are helping you to sleep easily or otherwise. So let’s get into those12 straightforward nighttime habits that will aid in deep slumber.

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12 Simple Bedtime Habits That’ll Make You Happy Every Morning

1. Start winding down:

Before anything else in a healthy bedtime routine, you should consider wrapping up your day.

Just an hour before your sleep time complete the must-do task of the day, sending final e-mails, prepping kid’s lunch and a to-do list for the coming day.

2. Prepare yourself for sleep:

Take at least 20 minutes to cleanse your body and mind from all day mayhem before hitting the bed.

Hot shower, brushing the teeth, putting on night-dress and then finally reading a book or meditating, these activities soothe your muscles and signal your mind for the wind-down.

Read more: 15 Foods That Help You Sleep Through The Night

3. Schedule your sleep:

You must follow the same pattern for your sleep and wake up time, your body will be regulated this way automatically and you won’t have to stress it.

4. Favorable environment:

For a better sleep routine, make sure your room ambiance is comfortable, quiet, and temperate enough for a good sleep.

It’s better if you avoid blue light or bright light exposure as it interferes with the sleep.

5. No technology in sleep niche:

Keep your phones, tablets, T.V, etc far away from your sleep area as they will leave you stressed in the night.

6. Eat right and drink light:

Do not take heavy meals before sleep as it burdens your stomach and causes you difficulty to relax. Water not be taken too much at night otherwise you’ll end up with frequent visits to the toilet.

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7. Say goodbye to caffeine:

Caffeine makes you stay awake and that’s the last thing you want in the night. Keep your coffee cravings restricted to the morning or day time.

8. Banana tea:

Expert says it’s highly recommended to have banana tea in the night for better sleep as bananas contain magnesium that is reputed as the best sleep inducer.

Read more: Cumin Tea for Weight Loss: 15 lbs in 2 Weeks

9. Lesser no nap will work:

Taking a nap is one of the refreshing self-care activities.

But it shouldn’t interfere with your bedtime sleep routine, too much of it or in the evening simply means no early or not at all sleep in the night.

Avoid napping too much!

10. Sleep when you feel it:

You better not force yourself to sleep that will cause more frustration.

Leave the bed, if you don’t fall asleep in 20 minutes and engage yourself in some relaxing activity.

11. Exercise early:

Avoid exercising right before bed as work out makes your body fervent and you won’t be feeling sleepy anytime soon.

Read more: Yoga for Beginners: 15 Minute Home Yoga Workout to Get Started

12. Declutter the bedroom:

Being a woman, you surely can’t sleep peacefully if the bedroom is messy. You must tide it up and simplify it for a cozy atmosphere.