Lower back pain has become a common complaint among millennials especially women. The cause of this problem is not unfamiliar.
Almost everyone from kids to adults is addicted to some form of technology or other that demands continuous sitting or standing posture with little to no scope of physical activity.
Most of the career choices require us to sit for a longer time.
Women have it worse. They have this pressure of work-home balance where everything has to be perfect and done at the right time.
On top of it, In women, bone density decreases with age. These are the leading causes of lower back pain in women.
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Practice These 7 Yoga Poses for Stress Relief and Anxiety
We all know that “Health is Wealth”.
But we can’t do our best when we have a constant nagging pain in the back.
So what is the solution?
What can be done that demands no investment and is less time-consuming?
Something that has been known since ages and is the most natural remedy without any side effect that relieves us of both mental and physical troubles- YOGA.
Here in this post, we have put together 7 best yoga-based stretches for lower back pain relief and strengthen your core.
Please click the save button to read it anytime! 🙂
10-Minute Physical Exercise for Lower Back Pain
Practicing these yoga poses on a regular basis can be your powerful tool to relieve lower back pain.
These yoga poses to stretch out your tight muscles to provide more strength and more flexibility.
So let’s rock the mat?
1) Child Pose/ Balasana
This has been named so after the way infants struggle to crawl.
- Position yourself on your hands and knees.
- Inhale while bending your knees so that the hips touch the heels.
- Outstretch your arms and exhale while bending forward and touching the ground.
It elongates and the back and gives relief from stress.
2) Cat and Cow Pose/ Marjariasana
The cat and cow pose is an easy physical exercise for lower back pain. This yoga pose stretches your spine and hips to relieves tension in the lower back.
- Position yourself on hands and knees, shoulders over wrists and hips above knees.
- Inhale slowly and lift up your head and tailbone, arch your back and look towards the ceiling. Stay for a few seconds.
- Now slowly exhale and make your back round and drop your head down while relaxing the shoulders.
Do 10 rounds or for 2 minutes.
3) Standing Forward Bend/ Uttanasana
It is the most common exercise usually find in the physical education classes in schools. It stretches the calf muscles and the spine.
- Stand straight stretch your hands above your head and inhale.
- Slowly exhale while bending down and bring down the hands to touch your feet.
- Stay for 20 seconds in this position and go back up slowly.
Repeat for 10-15 times. Don’t overdo it since the calf muscles will pain a bit if you are not used to this exercise.
4) Supine Spinal Twist/ Supta Matsyendrasana
It relieves tension in the neck and back.
- Lay on your back and stretch your arms in a T position.
- Bend your knees towards your chest.
- Now slowly bend the legs to the right side.
- Repeat this in the left direction.
Do 10 rounds both ways. Stay for about 10-15 seconds before switching positions.
5) Cobra Pose/ Bhujangasana
This is the best and the easiest physical exercise for lower back pain.
- Lay on your stomach.
- Put both your elbows under your shoulders and palms facing downwards.
- Stay in this pose for a whole minute and breathe normally.
In this pose, the whole body up till the waist above the ground and rest of the body touches the ground. You can actually feel a relaxing sensation in your lower back.
6) Downward Facing Dog/ Adho Mukha Svanasana
It is a bit similar to standing forward bend but is favored more. It stretches both hamstring and spine.
- Stand straight and while inhaling bend down on your knees.
- While exhaling move your hips upward and straighten the knees. The back is arched and the head is between the shoulder blades.
- Stay in this position for 15 seconds and while inhaling return back to normal position.
Do it for 5-10 times in a span of 20 seconds.
7) Triangular pose / Trikonasana
It stretches the back, hamstrings and calf muscles.
- Stand straight. Stretch the legs sideways.
- Stretch hands straight in T position.
- Bend to the left side such that the T position remains undisturbed and the left palm touches left ankle.
- Repeat the same way to the right side.
Do it 10-15 times.
All these poses are very beneficial yoga poses for lower back pain (Supine twist and downward-facing dog are the best physical exercise for lower back pain in women over 30).
Do them in moderation if are new to yoga. Always warm-up.
Stretches for lower back pain involve stretching some specific muscles so it’s important to work them up a bit before the actual yoga so that they won’t become stiff and cause pain later.
Be consistent to see the results and remember “Healthy body equals healthy mind”!