Vegetarian Keto Diet: 7-Day Low Carb Vegetarian Meal Plan for weight Loss

Healthy Eating

The ketogenic diet has spread like wildfire over the last few years.

The keto diet does wonder for many people to help lose weight, reducing inflammation, enhancing brain health, gain more energy, improved heart health, and lower blood sugar.

The best part of the keto diet is, It’s easy to follow without counting or tracking your calories.

So are you ready to fell in love with keto?

Please click the save button to read it anytime!  🙂


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What is a Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet simply increases your intake of healthy fats and protein while reducing your intake of carbs.

Basically, glucose is the primary source of fuel but restricting your intake of carbs(glucose) force your body into a state of ketosis where your body starts burning up fats as fuel instead of glucose(sugar).

A standard keto diet is very meat heavy in order to get you enough fat and keep carbs so low.

But what about a vegetarian keto diet? Is that even possible as a vegetarian?

Can vegetarian do the keto diet?

I guess for many, it seems like keto diet is only for the meat-only audience.

But it is not true!

In fact, It’s much easier than you think to do a keto diet if you’re vegetarian.

All you have to do is to make a few simple food switches and a little effort from your side.

The Vegetarian Keto Diet should consist of about 40-75 percent of calories from fat, 20-30 percent from protein and just 5-20 percent from carbs.

You can also easily incorporate keto-friendly and nutritious plant-based vegetarian foods into your favorite keto recipes, which makes following a vegetarian keto diet simple.

However, there are also plenty of other high-fat, plant-based choices available for you to swap out the meat.

Luckily, cutting meat out of your diet also produces many health benefits. It’s a win-win for you.

Do you know, you can boost your weight loss efforts by including intermittent fasting in your lifestyle. Check out this step by step guide to Intermittent Fasting.

What to eat in Vegetarian Keto Diet?

You may be wondering what you can actually eat in a low-carb vegetarian diet.

A vegetarian keto diet should focus on nutritious plant-based sources of healthy fats and protein with a good amount of non-starchy vegetables and high-fiber foods as well.

You should include plenty of protein foods and healthy fats in your diet. A few examples include eggs, grass-fed butter, ghee, coconut oil, nutritional yeast, nuts, avocados, and MCT oil.

Vegetarians can easily include non-meat animal foods like eggs, grass-fed butter, nuts, seeds, leafy veggies and ghee to help meet their protein and fat needs.

But still, there are many ways to ensure you are getting enough protein.

If you really need to up your protein intake, you can include low carb protein powders and plant-based supplements to your vegetarian keto diet.

Since the diet is super low-carb, minimize your intake of foods high in carbs such as refined carbs, starchy vegetables, sugars, and grains.

Read More: A Complete Guide to 16/8 Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss (Exercise + Meal Plan)

7 Day Vegetarian Keto Meal Plan for Weight Loss

Wondering how to get started?

Don’t worry! 🙂

Here we’ve put together 7-day Vegetarian Keto meal plan which has everything from vegetarian keto breakfast to dinner recipes and lunch to snacks. 

Vegetarian Keto Breakfast

Cream Cheese Pancakes | I Breathe, I’m Hungry

Breakfast Brownie Muffins | Ruled.Me

Keto Smoothie Recipe with Avocado, Chia Seeds & Cacao | Draxe

Asparagus and Tomato Frittata with Havarti and Dill | Kalyn’s Kitchen

Lemon Blueberry Muffins | Keto Size Me

Keto Bread: A Low-Carb Bread Recipe | Draxe

Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Bars | Meat Free Keto

Vegetarian Keto Lunch Ideas

Vegetarian Red Coconut Curry – Ruled Me

Cauliflower Crust Grilled Cheese – The Iron You

High-fat low-carb pancakes | Draxe

Cheesy Cauliflower Breadsticks –  Low Carb Yum

Caprese Grilled Eggplant Roll-Ups – Caroline’s Cooking

Raw Walnut Tacos Recipe | Draxe

Cauliflower Confetti Kale Pecan Salad– Sugar-Free Mom

Vegetarian Keto Dinner Ideas

Parmesan Cauliflower Steak– Hey Keto Mama

Low Carb Creamy Cilantro Lime Coleslaw – My Life Cookbook

Palak paneer | Draxe

Keto 7 Layer Dip – I Breathe I’m Hungry

Roasted Caprese Tomatoes with Basil Dressing  – Simple Delicious Food

Spinach and Zucchini Lasagna – Primavera Kitchen

Spicy roasted pumpkin seeds | Draxe

Vegetarian Keto Snacks

Chocolate Avocado Pudding | Keto Connect

Keto nut butter | Perfect keto

Dried unsweetened coconut flakes

Zucchini Parmesan Chips | I Save A to Z

Flax Crackers | Meat Free Keto

Homemade fat bombs | Keto Bootstrap

Flax Crackers | Meat Free Keto

If you love this, please share this post with your friends! 🙂

Are you vegetarian? Want to try out keto diet? Here is a simple guide on Vegetarian Keto Diet with 7 day easy to follow low carb vegetarian keto meal plan. Keto Diet via #keto #healtyeating #vegetarian #cleaneating

And if you want more Healthy Eating tips and tricks, make sure to follow our Healthy Eating Board on Pinterest! 🙂


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1 Comment

  1. nutrabursts


    Keto diet refers to low carbohydrate and high-fat eating patterns which has various ways to approach it giving birth to the keto cycle diet concept.


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